Awww yeah. I had too much fun tonight. I feel so BAD. And I'm going to be a tease & not talk about it. lol.
Ok, it's the next day & I just have to write about this because it was such a bizarro night & I don't want to forget it. I went to a fetish event out of sheer curiosity. I had stumbled upon the website while searching for bartending jobs, the cover charge was minimal, I can just barely squeak by on the dress code, and so I figured why not go to see what all the fuss is about. Well. I fucking loved it. Great music (Bauhaus She's in Parties for one), dance floor, beautiful people in sexy outfits, and a few whips, chains, and cages thrown in for good measure. This guy called Joey Strange got onstage & hung suspended by 4 shark hooks. I've only seen that type of thing in books (Fakir Musafar in Modern Primitives) and on the internet (Chris Angel's site) before. It's 100 times more intense when you are standing right in front of the action.
The craziest thing I saw was some guy getting kicked in the crotch like 20 times. Good lord. I don't even want to know what the hell could be on his mind. How could someone enjoy that?! I don't understand.
It's funny how many average and/or normal-looking guys (who, like the crotch kickee guy, are really the ODD ones!!!) will come up to you in a place like that & disappear really fast when you say you're just there out of curiosity & you don't want to play. At first it kind of freaked me out, but then I realized there was nothing to be nervous about & also the "bootlickers" as someone called them tend to stay away once you hook up with & start talking to the more fashionable people in there. On that note, in case he is lurking, I have to say thank you to my most gracious "host" Master Liam (gotta love those double Scorpios), who was kind enough not only to lead me around the dungeon like the lost puppy I was (no leash involved!), but to introduce me to some very cool people as well.
All in all a very fun evening. There's another event tonight. Hmm, what to wear...
We're you taken for a ride, pretty lady? lolol ;-)
Posted by:
flamingheart April 03, 2005 at 01:22 PM
No.I edited my post. HOT...
Posted by:
Alchemy April 03, 2005 at 03:42 PM