Saturday, September 24, 2005

Art Show @ the Hard Rock


I'm excited to say I'll have 4 or 5 pieces (paintings & photos) on display this Sunday night at the Hard Rock Cafe at Universal City Walk. The show opens at 8:30pm & runs until 11pm or midnight. There will be many artists displaying their work, as well as live band performances. Best of all, the money raised at the door benefits a great cause.

Go to for more information, and come out & see me Sunday!!!


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Friday Night

Here's another shot by Kitty Gallanis that was taken a couple weeks ago. Today is the first time I'm seeing it & I LOVE it! She's got a whole disc for me & I can't wait to see the rest of the photos.
Off to Dungeon!

Friday, September 9, 2005

Yeah, I'm Here

Went to Vegas for a couple days at the end of August, and when I got home & turned the computer on I had no internet access. My friend's brother works on computers for a living, but he was out of town & not coming back until after the Labor Day weekend. Hence, no blog from me. Anyhow, I planned to call him Tuesday to set up an appointment. Lo & behold, I turned on the computer Monday night to work in Photoshop, and all my instant message programs loaded. Back online. Just like that. I have no idea what the problem was or how it fixed itself, I'm just glad to have internet access again.

While in Vegas, I saw the Doors play again. Also saw them in Lancaster, CA on August 30th. Kind of an odd time, which I won't get into here as who knows who is lurking. Needless to say, I got some great photos of the Sunset Station show (security can kiss everyone's ass), was able to wish Ian a safe journey in person (he's off to the Himalayas again, after which I am convinced he will get back with Billy & start up the Cult again - yay!), and it was nice to get out of town for a few days. I'll leave it at that.

Here's a shot from the Sunset Station show. Not bad considering the gusty winds that shook the hell out of my lens, and being stuck in the crowd that rushed the barricade. Try getting a clear shot of a singer to your left when you've got a burly, 6 foot tall, overly excited Doors fan in direct contact with your left elbow. It's not easy, let me tell you. I love it. It was so refreshing to bring out the "real camera" and the big lens for a change.

I've put more Doors shots up on my website - - but I'm not happy with the design of the site anymore. Bored with it. Needs sprucing up. Not sure how I'm going to go about changing it. Not very confident with my web design skills. I really haven't got any. And I've still got so much photographic content I want to add to it as well. Spending time on design issues takes away time from putting up photo galleries. Frustrated. One step at a time I suppose.
Ok, I'm done rambling now. Good night.


Ian is starting to remind me of Mike Muir of Suicidal Tendencies with that headband.
Posted by: Daryle September 09, 2005 at 06:44 PM

Sometimes I think he should be institutionalized.
Posted by: Alchemy September 09, 2005 at 08:07 PM