Monday, August 22, 2005

Hiking Up Mount Hollywood

The weather was gorgeous today. Instead of spending my day off hanging around the apartment cleaning, doing laundry, and surfing the net, I decided to break my routine & get out for some fresh air. So glad that I did. I was in dire need of some quality outdoor activity. Not only did I get some exercise, but I was able to clear my head, explore a little, and take some photos. Yay!

Hiked the Mt. Hollywood Trail for 2 hours, starting at the Griffith Park Observatory. Unfamiliar with the terrain, I stayed on a wide trail populated by joggers, families, and dog walkers. Although there were plenty of people around (enough to make it safe), I was able to adjust my pace so I could walk alone for the most part. Yep, I have a need to be be very solitary at times.

Without a doubt, Griffith Park has just become one of my new favorite places in L.A., and it's so close to my apartment! The first photo I've posted is the view of West Hollywood, West L.A., and Century City. The tall buildings in the background are in Century City. Can you see the two people standing on the hill to the right? How fucking cool is that?!

The second photo gives this sense of being in the middle of nowhere, yet to the left is a view of Hollywood and Downtown L.A., and Burbank & Studio City are to the right.

As for the third photo, I've now met my first rattlesnake!! Walked right up on him on the trail, about 10 feet away. Saw the rattle & stopped dead in my tracks - fucking terrified. The snake was about 4 1/2 feet long. I stood there a minute or so and realized this snake was not the slightest bit phased by my presence. No rattling, no fast movement - he did nothing but continue to meander along the path. So I took a few photos and passed him. On my way back I encountered him again, making his way up the side of the hill. Watched him for a while as he clung to dried plant stems & bits of jutting rock & sand, inching his way up the steep embankment. He lost his grip occasionally as the loose dirt gave way, one time causing his tail to rattle for a second. I had visions of this thing tumbling down the hill & landing at my feet, and began to wonder how quickly I could jump out of the way & start running. Can you blame me?

Friday, August 19, 2005

More Photos From HELL!

The club called Hell has posted more photos on their website, including some from the night Liam gave me a corset piercing. YAY! More photos here:


I just met my first person with a corset piercing last week!
Posted by: Daryle August 19, 2005 at 05:19 AM

Thursday, August 18, 2005

New Club DV8 Photo Gallery!

I've posted a new gallery of photos I took at Club DV8, August 13th at Passive Arts. Go take a look!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

There Aren't Enough Hours in the Day

Fetish photographer Kitty Gallanis stopped by the dungeon several days ago to photograph the girls. I've only seen two of the images of me so far, and I love them. This one is my favorite of the two. Considering making a painting based on it.

Spent several hours today locating, organizing, and scanning some old photos. Guns & Roses & Gene Loves Jezebel from 1988 are scanned & ready for touch-up so I can post them to my website. I was looking for my Johnny Thunders photos but have not located them yet. There are so many images I want to put up there. The site is in desperate need of an update. So many bands I've shot & so many memories. They're all sitting in my closet right now waiting for me to dig them out, dust them off, and show them to the world. Not enough hours in the day, I swear.

Last night was Dungeon. Sal once again did some amazing rope work. As I was being tied up, a blond girl in black PVC walked by me, smiled sweetly, and uttered one word: SLUT. I was in fucking shock. I digested it for about five minutes & decided yeah, I was pissed off. Told Sal which set off a chain reaction of everyone being asked who the hell she was. She came so close to being thrown out for that. No one really seemed to know her, but one guy suggested maybe she meant it in a "sexy way". She ended up flashing someone a few minutes later, so she was obviously clueless & drunk. Whatever.

Tonight is Club DV8 & I've got to get ready. Sal's going to tie me & another person up, then suspend us like a mobile. This should be fun! When I'm not tied up, I'm going to try to get some photos of Szandora LaVey's hellish hula hoop performance & the ritual branding Phoenix is going to experience - better her than me! Ok, gotta go...


This picture is good, but the other one that you posted on MySpace is my favorite. This photographer is great. She has that Betty Page approach to shit, and that is always cool.
I don't remember the Johnny Thunders pics. Did you ever show them to me? NY Dolls just played here yesterday too.
Posted by: Daryle August 13, 2005 at 10:28 PM

Yeah, I like Kitty's style a lot. We're going to set up another shoot out at her place. It will be just me, so we can spend all day & shoot. Less pressure (the day this photo was shot she had at least 6 other girls here waiting to have their photos taken) & we can take our time. Looking forward to it.
Not sure if I ever showed you the Johnny Thunders shots. I should have them up on my site soon.
BTW, I cannot BELIEVE you didn't recognize my voice on the phone the other night. For shame!! :P
Posted by: Alchemy August 15, 2005 at 02:32 PM

No, let me explain that one. The other day Katta had been hanging out with a porn star that I was into when I was in the Air Force, and she put me on the phone with her the last time I called. When she put me on the phone with you, I was in that mode.
I'm still dead, ain't I?
Posted by: Daryle August 15, 2005 at 08:33 PM

Nah, I forgive you. :)
Posted by: Alchemy August 16, 2005 at 02:18 PM

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Dessert with Camp Freddy

Mmmm.... I just ate some super sinful chocolate cake while staring at Dave Navarro over at the House of Blues. Yummy. The cake wasn't bad either. Camp Freddy's doing a set tonight for a private party, but we were able to catch most of sound check while we ate dessert in the restaurant. Cantrell & Duffy were there, as well as Navarro, Steve Perkins on drums, Billy Morrison, and Slash. Billy Mo drove past us as we walked home, so I told him to have a great show. I won't make it back to HOB tonight because I'll be tied up - literally! - at Dungeon. I'm torn. Oh well. There is supposedly another CF show in the works - a regular show at a club in L.A., so I'll just have to wait for that. I could really go for some CF tonight, but Sal would KILL me & I've already made plans to pick Phoenix up & give her a ride to Dungeon. To be continued...

(the next day) ...Dungeon last night was a lot of fun. Sal did some incredible rope bondage on me, which resulted in my being suspended from the ceiling & swinging around like I was flying. It was awesome!! A friend got some video of it & a couple stills, so I'll try to post a photo here at some point.

Phoenix wasn't feeling well & didn't make it. :( Funny but I was just telling her the other night that I have not been able to remember my dreams in AGES. Worries me a bit as a Cancer, since we do have very intuitive & prophetic dreams. I think I'm missing out on some important messages. Well lo and behold, a breakthrough! Last night I dreamt that I licked Dave Navarro's thigh. Nothing prophetic there I'm sure, but I get the message loud & clear. Must have been that sinful chocolate cake.

Friday, August 5, 2005

Alive She Cried

I keep getting these tarot & astrology readings alluding to some grand plan for me which will contribute to the "greater good of humanity" and whatnot. I have no fucking clue what I'm supposed to do with this and it's kind of freaking me out that this is the third or fourth time over the last couple of years that I'm getting the same message from the cards. WTF?

Self: The Devil
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Put convention aside and be empowered by revealing your passionate nature.The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now. The Devil card symbolizes letting those parts of yourself that have been repressed or shamed out of the closet. It represents hidden parts of ourselves, what Jung referred to as "Shadow." In general, we fear its emergence, but this card is reminding you to face your shadow stuff. Whenever we reveal hidden inner dynamics, we fear we will be seen as ugly, demanding or excessive, even monstrous. We are conditioned to mistrust passionate desires and basic instincts, because we are afraid that we might go too far, slipping into hedonism or addiction. To become a charismatic individual who can make a difference, however, we need to outgrow fearful inhibitions placed upon our personalities and self-expression. In every generation there have been those who push these limits. They may have been demonized in their time, but later generations understood the honesty, courage and healing power of their daring.

Situation: Judgment
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING A dramatic wake-up call is getting the attention of your circle.The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time. With the Judgment card in this position, it's as if you and the people around you are coming out of a profound trance. You are gaining greater powers of discernment about the interrelationships that support all life, thus breaking through barriers that formerly divided you. Looking at everything with fresh eyes, you can re-evaluate current conditions with renewed zeal toward the common good. In this way, you can reclaim your place in the long chain of awakening souls stretching throughout the ages. The circumstances are extraordinary for evoking simultaneous awakening across an entire group. By all means, take advantage of them.

Challenges/ Opportunities: Five of Swords
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING When you make a commitment to the long term good, it will teach others a lesson in altruism.The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. The Five of Swords in this position challenges you to overcome a trend that is dividing and conquering your group. This situation kindles a unique strength within you that can help others keep from succumbing to the temptation of unbridled self-interest. You are holding the torch, keeping the light of the greater good aloft. Your inspiration or clarity is helping others awaken and make their way toward higher ground. You have the ability to dispel petty bickering and competition, and reawaken a common vision or sense of mission. Relax and let your insights speak for themselves; your capacity for leadership is being called forth.

Foundation: Ace of Coins
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Understanding Life's unceasing potential for abundance, be like a seed in fertile soil -- take root and grow.The card in the Foundation position points to influences from your personal history, your roots and background. The Ace of Coins in this position suggests you have an affinity with Nature and intuitively understand how Life multiplies itself, how abundance is created. You are becoming able to perceive how little miracles add up. You see where the flow is going, and you easily place yourself right in the middle of it. At this time, you seem to be able to do this naturally, without a lot of deliberation. You are in a strong position to maximize your opportunities with skill and grace. You know how to drop like a seed into fertile soil, take root and get going. This kind of instinct can really accelerate your progress toward success.

Recent Past: Three of Coins
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING You receive recognition and validation of your skills and mastery.The card in the Recent Past position refers to events that are just departing, recently influential but now diminishing in power. With the Three of Coins in this position, you have received some acknowledgment or rewards for your contributions. This recognition of your talents and your efforts is a validation of your skills and mastery. Savor the feelings of accomplishment, knowing that even greater acknowledgment and better rewards are yet to come from your talent.

Higher Power: The Chariot
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING The force that is carrying you to your destiny is unstoppable. Prepare yourself for it.The card in the Higher Power position reflects the broader perspective and influence of your conscience, Guardian Angel, inner wisdom. When the Chariot appears in this position, you are being transported toward your destiny or future identity. You may just be growing into the promise of this card. You may not yet fully realize how life wants to use you, but it is in process. Perhaps you are an emissary, or an agent of change. When you ride through town, you stir up new thoughts and ideals, and ideas of improvements over the old ways. If this doesn't seem realistic to you now, dream the dream anyway. When your destiny wants to cast you in a heroic role in the drama of your life, be ready to shout "Yes."

Near Future: Six of Cups
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Your past does not limit your future. You can consciously shape your circumstances starting now!The card in the Near Future position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies. With the Six of Cups in this position, taking a broad overview will help you to clearly see how you translate past experiences into fuel for the future. You are learning from past experience and adjusting future plans and goals accordingly. Be watchful for this insight, because it will provide lucid insight into a pattern that has always been a mystery to you. You will clearly see that you are not trapped in a predestined reality. Instead, you are able to creatively reinterpret your circumstances and create new outcomes. You will come to realize that you are not merely the result of your past. Who you are will be the result of how you respond to future opportunities as they arise. A forward-looking point of view will change everything for you.

Blocks & Inhibitions: Seven of Cups
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Although you know there is much to praise, you have been indulging in a negative outlook.The card in the Blocks position points to self-undermining tendencies, areas where you could be in denial, where you could get stuck -- unless you examine yourself and make some corrections. When the Seven of Cups falls in this position, it warns you against neglecting to perceive the abundance and opportunities in a universe of expanding potentials. Stop investing in a negative or cynical point of view. There is at least as much evidence of good things as evidence of setbacks and difficulties. Your nervous system is just having a hard time registering the presence of the good, even though your intuition and senses tell you this is a fine and praiseworthy world. It's time to retune your awareness so it perceives at least an equal amount of the positive. Hopeless, helpless thinking doesn't fit the reality of current circumstances.

Allies: Six of Coins
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Because you have a good safety net, you feel you can rise to challenges and opportunities.The card in the Allies position points to people who can be supportive or helpful to you at this time. In this position, The Six of Coins suggests that you have friends in high places that you can depend on. You sense that you are secure enough to take a few risks and challenge yourself without endangering anything. Naturally, the best way to show gratitude for blessings of support is to learn from generous souls and pass the wisdom on to others by your example and generous assistance.

Advice: The Hermit
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Give yourself time for contemplation. Don't allow others to stand in your way.The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible. The Hermit advises that you think things through carefully. The demands on you have been high, giving you scant time for reflection. While you have a gift for understanding the larger implications involved, you need some private time to consider the steps to take in the future. You can't just lock yourself in your room for fifteen minutes and expect to come up with profound solutions. You need more seclusion and time to assimilate and process.Now may be the moment for you to tell everyone to leave you alone. When you are fully ready, you will be able and willing to give others what they need.

Long-term Potential: The World
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING The work you are doing now will be felt for a long time to come.The card in the Long-term Potential position points to unknowns still taking shape. It is the "wild card" yet to be played. With the World in this position, there is long term potential that your present actions will start a chain of consequences that will turn out to be wonderfully beneficial to humanity. This lifetime may not be long enough to show you how many generations you will influence. But if you understand that your choices matter, that your actions make a difference, and that your example will influence others, you will fulfill this prophecy.


Think it's time I have a reading done again myself...Things are just too weird.
Posted by: King Cack August 07, 2005 at 12:58 PM

Monday, August 1, 2005

Went to see The Devil's Rejects last night with Sal, Erzsebet, and Stanton & Szandora LaVey. The movie was great & super gory. Bunches of people walked out while we sat there laughing. It's only a movie, people. Jeez. Soundtrack was rockin' & there were all these 80's tv sitcom & movie actors in it. Rob Zombie is awesome. He knows how to get right inside your head if you grew up in the 70's & 80's, and pull those memories of the songs you heard & the horror films you watched as a kid. Brilliant. I've got to see House of 1000 Corpses now. I'm so out of the loop.


Yeah, I need to see this. The guy you have in the picture is Sid Haig. He used to be a bad guy on all my Saturday morning TV shows. He was a bad guy on the Buck Rogers TV show. I had heard he died, then he shows up here and I was like, "Thank You, Rob Zombie!"
Posted by: Daryle August 06, 2005 at 04:30 AM