Hiked the Mt. Hollywood Trail for 2 hours, starting at the Griffith Park Observatory. Unfamiliar with the terrain, I stayed on a wide trail populated by joggers, families, and dog walkers. Although there were plenty of people around (enough to make it safe), I was able to adjust my pace so I could walk alone for the most part. Yep, I have a need to be be very solitary at times.
Without a doubt, Griffith Park has just become one of my new favorite places in L.A., and it's so close to my apartment! The first photo I've posted is the view of West Hollywood, West L.A., and Century City. The tall buildings in the background are in Century City. Can you see the two people standing on the hill to the right? How fucking cool is that?!
The second photo gives this sense of being in the middle of nowhere, yet to the left is a view of Hollywood and Downtown L.A., and Burbank & Studio City are to the right.
As for the third photo, I've now met my first rattlesnake!! Walked right up on him on the trail, about 10 feet away. Saw the rattle & stopped dead in my tracks - fucking terrified. The snake was about 4 1/2 feet long. I stood there a minute or so and realized this snake was not the slightest bit phased by my presence. No rattling, no fast movement - he did nothing but continue to meander along the path. So I took a few photos and passed him. On my way back I encountered him again, making his way up the side of the hill. Watched him for a while as he clung to dried plant stems & bits of jutting rock & sand, inching his way up the steep embankment. He lost his grip occasionally as the loose dirt gave way, one time causing his tail to rattle for a second. I had visions of this thing tumbling down the hill & landing at my feet, and began to wonder how quickly I could jump out of the way & start running. Can you blame me?