I was there! There were no advance tickets, first come first served at the door with limited capacity. So, we braved the nasty weather & got to the club early. What's a little cold rain when you're going to see The Cult?!?!
They let us into the club around 10:30pm. We had to wait a little longer to get into the room where the band would play. Became a little concerned when we realized the mens' room was back in that area, and all the guys who were let back to use it didn't seem to return?! Hoped to be able to get close to the stage. Finally we were let in, walked through a crowded bar area & crowded aisle toward the stage, figuring the entire area would be packed by that point. Amazingly enough, at the end of the aisle was a break in the crowd & there was NO ONE standing near the stage. Woo hoo!!!
Small standing room, with a low stage. We set our coats down at the edge of the stage against the monitors & realized we were possibly too close to even take photos - talk about an intimate venue! Pressed up against a stage or barricade in a small room has ALWAYS been my favorite way to see a band, and when it's my favorite one it's even better! I liked the opening band, Chelsea Smiles. Their set was cut short, though, to get to the good stuff! ;)
By the time The Cult came on, the room had filled & the crowd seemed pretty damned excited. Set list: Lil Devil, Peace Dog, Wild Flower, Love Removal Machine (with Jerry Cantrell) and Rain. Short set but oh so good!!! The energy coming from the stage was intense & I hope they could feel the crowd throwing some back as well. I don't have the words to express how happy I am to see them back together & playing live. They sounded AMAZING!!! They did blow a few amps in the process, but it was all good, and all LOUD. My ears are still ringing! Can't wait to do it again.
Here are some photos from the gig - the guys and Jerry Cantrell. Mike Dimkitch was there also, but I didn't have a clear view of him...