Me aboard the Queen Mary. It's a beautiful ship. I felt like I was on the Titanic movie set. I've been asked to do a radio show Tuesday in Burbank. They want to interview me about working in a dungeon. Me? On the radio? I can't even phone in to radio shows without my heart jumping into my throat. My first reaction was terror, and then I said "fuck it". I agreed to do the interview. It will be good for me.
Now you are going to be on the RADIO???? DAMN, love! Okay, that settles it. It must be NJ that is keeping me down! I have to move away. There is a life out there, and I must find it!
Posted by: Daryle June 09, 2005 at 04:03 PM
Amen to that, brother. Next stop- Califuckinfornia
Posted by: King Cack June 09, 2005 at 06:50 PM