Saturday, June 4, 2005

Le Theatre de Cris

How hot is this fucking picture?! Me & Sir Nik at Le Theatre de Cris on May 21st. I've added another shot over at my "Deja Vu" post also. Too fucking hot for words. Next Theatre de Cris will be June 25th & Sir Nik has told me he's going to write a part for me. I can't wait. I'm in love with the whole idea of this theatre - it's like Anne Rice's Theatre des Vampires has come to life. Here's a great link if you want to read more about Sir Nik & his performance art:

Let's see, what else is going on. Well, I had a great dinner the other night at a private cigar club in Beverly Hills. Don't ask me how I got in there. These things just happen to me. Our host for the evening was very sweet & he knows everyone in Hollywood. It was surreal when Steven Segal came over to the table to say hello to him. We got to see the walk-in humidor with its rows of wooden boxes along the wall, each with an engraved brass name tag. Actors, sports figures, corporations, and a certain actor turned governor were all represented. Fabulous dinner & great conversation spanning politics, religion, death row executions, and the caskets in Anne Rice's house in New Orleans. Definitely an evening to remember.

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