Day One was an 11:00am call out in the Valley. There was a lot of sitting around waiting at first, then I was given my wardrobe - stockings and a black 1950's style one piece corset thing which looked like a bathing suit & was so tight I wasn't sure I could squeeze into it. It looked great once it was on though. No need for makeup or hair styling, as I was to play a dead body wrapped in a sheet & dumped in a garden shed. Lovely, huh? LOL.
So a friend & I spent the better part of an hour wrapped in sheets becoming closely acquainted with the steel grate and wood floor of this garden shed, with its smell of dirt and the occasional wandering spider. It's amazing how difficult it is to remain completely still when a camera is rolling, and how one's breathing seems so much heavier when trying to appear as if there is no breath at all. They shot several takes of the detective & police officer walking into the shed & finding the bodies.
The next takes were shot from outside the shed, which meant only our legs were visible on camera. They removed the sheets down to our waists so we could cool off & breathe easier, and told us we could move our upper bodies so long as our legs & feet stayed still. It was right about that time the flies discovered us. UGH!!!! It was horrible & disgusting. They crawled on our legs and feet - flies on dead bodies - what realism! We had to suffer through it. No flinching, no kicking, no moving even a leg muscle to get them to fly away. Meanwhile, out of view of the camera, our arms were flailing, waving, and slapping away at the flies around our heads & upper bodies. We were cursing up a storm. Fucking flies!!!!
3pm. Second location. After filming the garden shed scene, cast & crew packed up and drove to a studio to shoot some indoor scenes. This time I was to play a nylon encased woman in a dream sequence. Again, no hair styling, no makeup. Just nylon from head to toe. Layer upon layer of it. I cannot even tell you how many pairs of nylon stockings I was wearing. Probably a dozen, but it felt like 20. At least. Maybe 25.
The scene was awesome. A portion of the bedroom wall was constructed of tightly stretched nylon fabric, which matched the color of the wall next to it & blended in seamlessly. As the dreamer lay sleeping on his bed, the other nylon girl & I pressed our bodies and faces against the nylon, pushing our way into the room, and back out. We did this several times until finally we pushed our way through the wall, crawled across the bed, and smothered the dreamer.
Before we left for the night, we got to watch Phoenix in a hot knife scene with one of the other actors. She played a dancer being mistreated in the back room of the club by some guy.
Day Two. I was supposed to be a housewife in rope bondage. We arrived on location & I was told I had been "promoted" to the role of cowgirl since another girl didn't show up. Makeup, hair in braids, clothed in a fringe vest, cowboy hat, skirt, stockings, and the ugliest brown boots you'll ever see, and I was ready to go. Yippie kai yay, mother fuckers!
Spent several takes on my hands and knees atop a coffee table, with a cowboy dressed all in black standing next to me. The scene implied that we had just finished up some sort of kinky rendevous, when a guy walked into the house so we made our exit. It was fun.
Two or three more scenes were filmed afterwards but I wasn't in any of them, so I relaxed for a while. A bunch of us watched the outdoor bondage scene by the pool (photo above), and then we played cards by the pool while the final bondage scenes were shot inside the house. Not sure when it will come out, but I really can't wait to see the whole movie. Right now I just have bits of it in my head like puzzle pieces that don't make much sense. Should be interesting.