My day had started off weird. Had to park my car at a metered spot on Melrose the night before as there was no parking available outside my apartment. Got up before 8am to move it so I wouldn't get ticketed. Good thing, because not three hours later - from inside our apartment - we heard a huge bang & shifting sound as if a dumpster was being emptied. I went out an hour or so later to run some errands & as I came around the corner, I saw the cops had Melrose Avenue blocked off. There was a car bumper and tons of glass in the exact spot where my car had been parked, along with a huge black streak running along the curb. An SBC truck was overturned on its roof in the middle of Melrose Ave, it's contents of boxes, ladders, and tools scattered across the road (hence the shifting sound), and a silver car sat smashed up along the side of the road. Oh. My. God. Had I not moved it, my car would have been totaled. I was more than a little freaked out & definitely thankful.

Anyhow, it turned out to be a fabulous night out. I've got tons more to write about but I've got to get out the door right now. Till next time....
No further comment needed.
Posted by: Daryle July 17, 2005 at 05:20 AM