Hex was SO much fun! My boy went with me & got to meet some of my friends. Everyone got along great. Sal played with me & no one freaked out, so I'm relieved. Actually, the scene started off with Sal bull-whipping me & ended with him on one side & Tomas on the other, both trying to persuade me to lift my feet & swing out over the dance floor. I kept telling them my thumbs & fingers were too dead at that point to grip the suspension cuffs, so they finally gave up. Tomas & I sat on the couch & watched as Sal clipped the ropes together, swung out across the stage, then jumped up on a podium & danced like a stripper, while still holding the ropes. Tomas started cracking up & pulled out his wallet, telling me to stuff a dollar in Sal's pants. Okay, these two are going to get along just fine! YAY!
My cat is snoring. Shhhh, kitty. I'm typing my blog.
No word on that video shoot. Just sent a message to see what's up. I've got a photo shoot tomorrow during the day, and just found out that a club I've gone to several times is looking for 3 more artists to display work there this Sunday. Sent an email about that, too.
Okay, time for me to snore with the kitty...