Al had contacted me several weeks back & offered me the part in the video. Oh, hell yeah! Switched my dungeon work schedule around so I could do it. There's no way I was passing this up. Fat Nancy is the band's name, and if you love Circus of Power as much as I do, you've got to check them out. They're on myspace & they've got their own site as well: http://www.fatnancy.com/ .
Obviously I wasn't able to take any photos of the parts I was in, but I know at least one guy who was on set & left early was taking some pictures. I'm going to see if Alex can get them for me. If they're any good I'll post one or two here.
I think I may have actually cured my fear of the dance floor today. I mean come on, if I can get half naked & dance on camera, there is absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be able to get on the dance floor of a club, right? Tomas will be happy to hear that. I'm EXHAUSTED! It's only midnight but I'm off to bed.