The holiday was excellent. Spent Christmas Eve with my two favorite Satanists. We watched Jackass the movie. Classic. Also caught part of A Christmas Story and all of Christmas Vacation. Had an awesome home-cooked meal. Stayed over & in the morning opened gifts, covering the living room carpet in a sea of wrapping paper & bows. Had a fantastic breakfast, too. Some friends stopped by. One of them just got a part as an alien on that show Invasion. He said filming was great except that he nearly had a panic attack in the latex suit they made him wear.
Came home late afternoon & waited for my roomate to get home for Round 2 of gift opening. While I waited, I sent posted some comments on Myspace. Was astounded when I received a reply from Phil Lewis of L.A. Guns, inviting me & my roomate to stop by his apartment to celebrate with him, his wife, and a few friends. Turns out we didn't go (it was getting too late), but I had a nice chat with Phil on the phone & we'll get together at some point. I'm blown away. That type of kindness has to come from living life on the road & being welcomed into the homes of strangers. I love when rock stars turn out to be genuinely nice people. What a sweetheart!
Got my hair cut today. Didn't get the cut I wanted, exactly, but it's cute. I can work with it. It's about 4" shorter, layered at the bottom, and cut on an angle across the side of my face. I wanted choppy layers all over, but decided not to push the issue once it became clear that wasn't the cut she was giving me. It was SuperCuts (I'm POOR!) and maybe she didn't know how to cut the layers all over. I dunno. Anyway, I came home & stuck some Manic Panic Ultra Violet on it. Going to let it soak in overnight. I'll report back in the morning with the end result. New year, new hair. Yay!