Had my mom out for a visit this weekend. We spent most of our time at the apartment. She's at the point now with her Alzheimer's where going places is difficult for her. She tires easily. I put the Classic Movie Channel on for her, and began to develop an appreciation for those old movies - like African Queen - that I would always pass over in favor of something modern. Mom can't actually "watch" a movie anymore. Not sure where her mind goes, but she is unable to follow a plot or remember the names of actors I'm sure she has been familiar with since her childhood. I kept trying though, asking her simple questions about the story & asking her to name various movie stars. It was okay. We enjoyed our time together no matter how many questions were left unanswered.
We went to Denny's for dinner and then Mom took a nap. Later we ran out to the 7-Eleven for ice cream, hot fudge, brownies, and a can of whipped cream. Yummy. Hot fudge sundaes at midnight? Hell yeah. She's my Mom & I get to spoil her, dammit!