Something about arriving home to a For Sale sign on the lawn. Yes, I allowed the sign. Yes, I knew it was coming. However I wasn't prepared for the flood of emotions - and memories - that hit me when I saw it. Picking strawberries way out in the back on a hot summer day, family picnics, running around with the dog, crisp autumn leaves, snowball fights, spring bulbs, fireflies, crickets, and the feel of the grass under my feet. I'll miss the Rowan tree & lilac bushes & the old crab apple tree, not to mention every childhood pet I ever had. They're all here. It's not just a house. This really hurts.
Posted by:
flamingheart January 21, 2005 at 12:34 AM
Well .....of course:)Its only natural my freind:)I wish you the best,i really do((((biggest hugg you can imagine))))
Posted by:
Astar January 21, 2005 at 05:15 PM