Hit the wrong button while fumbling for the snooze on my alarm clock this morning & overslept by three hours. Just call me Jetlag Girl. Funny thing is my cell phone awakened me mid-dream, where I was busy hanging outside my new L.A. apartment with Courtney Love. Wish I could remember more of the details, but it's very hazy. It was a warm evening & we were out on the patio. I think we were either about to barbeque, or go out to eat & get into trouble. Maybe the dream will continue tonight, but I doubt it. I'm not very good at returning to dreams or directing them. I do have a prophetic streak though, so we'll see if it comes to pass this summer. It's on the record now so I can prove it later. ;)
Continuing to pack & clear things out, although I don't feel as though I've accomplished much today. The walls of the house are becoming plain, white, and depersonalized (rolling eyes). No more gorgeous royal purple & soothing robin's egg blue. Just white. I'm surely on my way to boring myself right out of here. Would like to stay up & get more packing done, but it's already past midnight & I have to be up early tomorrow. Not enough hours in the day.