Spent today with my mom. Picked her up this morning at my brother's (he wouldn't even look at me) house & brought her back to L.A. to show her around. It was a great day. We were both really happy to see each other, she loved my new neighborhood & apartment, and my cat was all freaked out to see her again. He obviously remembered her, since he didn't run away, but he walked up to her very slowly & wide-eyed staring up at her face - yeah, I cried. I'm tearing up again now. I'm such a dork.
Anyhow, I took her out to lunch & we drove around for a while & had a great time. I was going to take her to the mall, but when we got into the parking lot I happened to look over & she was asleep in the passenger seat, so we decided to call it a day. She has changed even since the holidays. When I pulled into the driveway waving she didn't react until I got out of the car & walked over to her, and then she wanted to know whose car I was driving (mine - same car for the past 5 years). At the apartment she wanted to wash her hands & had to ask me how to turn the faucet on. This disease (Alzheimer's) is so devastating. Thinking about it is enough to push one over the edge. So I don't think. I just turn on the faucet like I would for a child. Just make her feel as safe & happy & loved as I possibly can.
I drove mom back to my brother's house & had to hug her in the doorway after being informed by my sister-in-law I'm no longer allowed in their home. Why? Well, after my last post regarding the Power of Attorney, I got in my car in New Jersey at 5pm on Friday & arrived in California at 10am Monday (yes, 3 days later) - driving on pure adrenaline & completely pissed off. 2892 miles. I stayed over at a motel from midnight to 10am once along the way, so you do the math. Drove straight to my apartment, unloaded the car, and drove another 75 miles to my brother's house where I had it out with him, he admitted to doing no wrong, would not answer me as to why he put me out on the street, and I told him he doesn't have a sister anymore. Apparently, in my sister-in-law's world, anyone who would yell at her brother for committing such heinous acts as he has done recently, is no longer worthy to step across the threshold. You know, I'm Wiccan & have been for quite some time, yet I still believe there is a special place in Hell for my brother's wife. She can take her threshold & shove it up her ass. Here's my new prediction. They get the check, they pack their things along with mom & her passport, and everyone goes bye-bye to Thailand where it will be nearly impossible to find them.
Oh, I need me some witches. Not black magic, mind you. Justice, baby. Hmm, where could I find me some witches...