No news today, just more waiting. I don't know if the appointment with the lawyer in California happened today or not. I'm fantasizing that my mom had a moment of clarity and outright refused to sign anything. I'm also fantasizing of beating my brother to a bloody pulp with my bare hands. He managed to get mom's social security checks re-routed to his address without telling me, leaving the joint account she & I have with a negative balance, as an insurance premium was charged to it today and the s.s. check which would have been directly deposited today never arrived. I was going to change that over anyhow, as the check needs to stay with her since it is no longer needed to pay property taxes on the house. Point is that my brother made the change without even telling me & with no regard to the effect that change has on any other bills connected with that account. He also doesn't seem to care that he has basically put me out on the street as well. Bastard.
Here's my prediction & for my mother's sake, I hope I'm wrong. I'll give it one year before my brother's wife decides she's had enough of the role of primary caregiver, and enough of my brother. She'll divorce him, take off with half his share of my mother's money, and leave him to take care of his house, his business, and my mom. Of course mom will be unable to go into a nursing home because neither of my brothers will have set aside the money for it. I suppose at that point my phone will ring. I was planning to set that money aside right now - right off the top of the sale. My brother is doing everything in his power to make sure that doesn't happen. I wish I knew why. This whole situation makes me sick.