On the downside, unpacking has become a real chore. I have far too many things & need to clear some stuff out. I've got packing materials everywhere, too. Had no problems getting rid of boxes at Craig's List, but no one wants the used newspapers - even the SPCA didn't return my call. Eeeww.
This Pat O'Brien message thing is cracking me up. http://www.screenhead.com/funny/pat_obrien_coked_n_horny.wma
HAHAHA! I just realized I left the fashion model's pic alone & didn't get in trouble, so I guess I didn't have to censor the one of me. Oh well!
Posted by: Alchemy March 28, 2005 at 03:21 PM
Not that I was required to or anything, but I have never seen you naked before! I would have figured that somewhere among all the debauchery I would have, but nah. I DEFINITELY didn't know you were going to try for SG! You know already one of the girls in my group is on the site, right? I think I told you that because she needed a photographer at one point. Still does should you come back this way. :)
Damn, now I HAVE to subscribe!
Posted by: Daryle April 03, 2005 at 08:26 PM