The Theatre de Cris was held at Passive Arts & I participated in two scenes. One involved being spanked by a man wearing a dress - HA! The scene was photographed, too! I MIGHT post one or two photos here. Not sure as I haven't seen them yet, and they might be too hot to share. Yeah, I'm mean. The other scene was in a schoolroom. I was the naughty schoolgirl who got to turn the tables at the end & whack the teacher a few times with a wooden paddle. Now THAT was fun!!
Last night I got tied up at Zen Sushi. Rope bondage. Got tied to a metal post with my arms raised and lots of rope around my head, leaving me completely immobilized. Wish I could have seen what I looked like, but no one had a camera. Not wanting to take a chance of it being stolen while I was tied up, I had left mine in the car. My hands & wrists went numb after a while, which was ok. I warned Sir Nik (the gentleman doing the tying) that when he did eventually take me down, my arms probably wouldn't work right away, so he might have to catch me. Like I said, that was fine & I was still ok. It was a few minutes later, when the numbness moved to my HEAD, that I had a problem. It was the strangest feeling, almost like doing whippets. I knew I was about to pass out & I didn't trust the metal framework would keep me upright. I let him know I had to get down & immediately he began untying the ropes and sent someone to get a bottle of water from the bar. He got me out of the ropes quickly & had me drink some water. My head felt better almost immediately, but there had definitely been a moment or two of panic while the ropes were being undone. It was very scary to know that I was about to lose my head. Hard to describe actually. Fear of the unknown. What would have happened if I hadn't said anything? How long would I have passed out for? Would I wake up on my own? Would I remember passing out? Would I end up in an ambulance? Who knows. To be continued I'm sure.
Went to a birthday party tonight & spent some quality girl time (laughing our asses off) with my new friends up in a tree house. Had some cake & coffee & took a few pictures too. Borrowed a book called Carnal Alchemy. This ought to be good. Found the place (which is in the middle of nowhere) just fine, but drove 20 miles out of my way on the way home. Go figure.
Deja Vu. Yep. I'm feeling it big time tonight. Seeing ghosts. Don't wanna talk about it necessarily, just want to pinpoint that it happened today.