What can I say about Dave Navarro? He's completely fucking gorgeous & beyond photogenic. I'm really happy with this photo! Next time I'd like to bring my "real camera" and big lens.
Yes, I wore the PVC dress. No, I didn't get a photo with Dave. Didn't meet the band at all, actually. Ran into a friend of mine & we chatted near the bar after the band's set. The crowd cleared out really fast & we only stood talking for a few minutes before we left as well. I glanced around out front on my way out, hoping to get a photo or two, but the band was nowhwere in sight. Maybe next time.
Jeez that's a pretty shot. He looks more like his wife all the time. Good shot though. What time did you write this? 6 in the morning? You were just getting ready at midnight....
Posted by: King Cack May 18, 2005 at 07:42 AM
Wrote it at 3am your time I think. I was home by midnight Pacific time. It turned out to be a very early night.
Posted by: Alchemy May 18, 2005 at 11:55 PM