It's all part of letting go, I suppose. I'll tear it all down & rebuild it in Los Angeles. Now if I can just hurry up about it without having to reminisce over every single forgotten item I come across. Baby steps. I'll get there. Fucking soon I hope.
I found some way-cool shit tonight though in one of the storage spaces under the roof - a rolled up poster of Guns 'N Roses with Axl donning big hair & makeup - pre Sorum days, too, as Steven Adler is in the photo. They should have put a shirt on Adler instead of a vest. His chest hair is like a friggin' brown 70's shag rug. Eeww. LOL.
Also found this wicked photo I took in the ladies room (I guess - it's pink?) of a club called Jammin' in NYC in April of 1989. I wasn't even old enough to be in the place! Anyhow, the cute boys are: with middle finger extended - Danny Wheelz (because he worked at the shoe store "Wheelz" on 8th Street between 5th & 6th), Tony Slash (for obvious reasons), and Danny .... I can't do it. I can't type Danny Discipline. LOL!! There, I typed it. If you know Danny, you know he has none, but I guess they figured it would look good on the Throbs record. I think he's currently still in Faster Pussycat. Danny (Discipline - ROFL!), I know is not a computer person, but if anyone reads this & is nice enough to pass along a message for me, please tell him I will see him very soon in L.A. & if anyone knows the whereabouts of Danny Wheelz or Tony Slash, tell them to send me an email & say hello!
Please visit Billy Morrison's blog to join in the lively discussion of him being drained of bodily fluids, and listen to some Doheny while you're there. They're rather good. Go to http://dohenymusic.typepad.com/ then go to the Crop Circles post. The URL is too long for me to put here - it screws up the whole layout of my blog. Anyhow, here's hoping I'm not overestimating Billy's sense of humor. Take your lumps, Morrison, it means you're liked! Duffy is liked & he got fused with Mini-Me in photoshop. At least there's no Mini-Morrison. Oh wait....ROFLMAO!!!!!! Oh, I must end this post now as I've wandered into very dangerous territory and simply must not continue for fear that my New Year's Eve plans may go asunder. Oh fuck it. Are you lurking, Astbury? You take your lumps too, dammit! It means you're liked!
All I want for Christmas is a Cult show.