I wasted a lot of time today. Feels that way, anyhow. Got a few things done around the house, but nothing major. Trying to find a New Year's Eve outfit is turning out to be a major ordeal for some reason. Listened to Camp Freddy Radio while I searched online. Those guys are funny as shit - until Mr. Morrison tells the story about the "photographer". Look buddy, the real photographers out there have it hard enough as it is, ok? Bleh. Hopefully he won't ever use that story again anyway. Eww. Whatever. I would be in a better mood had I found the perfect dress tonight.
Change of subject. A dear friend is celebrating her birthday today & she is a big Cult fan, so I know she will like the photo I posted today. I took this shot of Billy Duffy March 17, 2001 at Stubb's in Austin, TX.