I've got a couple great shots of Debbie Harry taken in the late 80's in NYC. Hard to take a bad one of her though - she's so beautiful. Don't have time right now, but will have to find those & scan them & post one or two here soon.
MICHAEL! Michael Aston was kind enough to hotlink my blog to the update portion of his website - www.genelovesjezebel.com - I really do appreciate the mention. Are you lurking, Michael? I love this ph

RAD!!!!HI LURKING MICHAEL,lolCool pic too!I wanna see the "picture this"as you know Im a hUGE blondie FAN,HOPE YOU ENJOY BLOGGING:.I got my live journal I can never keep up with.....love ya!
Posted by: Astar November 11, 2004 at 07:45 PM
Keep up the blogging Alchemy... Reserved hmmn... Are you inplying I'm anything less than a peace loving pussycat or a pussy loving peace cat.-)
Posted by: Michael Aston November 12, 2004 at 12:02 AM
Hi dear Lady Alchemy and friends I´ve seen here!!!!!!!!
I really like the site, Lady A!!!!
UPPPPPPP the internet world!!!
Happy weekend to all!!Fernanda
Posted by: fernanda November 12, 2004 at 09:45 AM
Hi Astar! Yay, finally someone commented! Thank you. How is the singing going? You did another gig up north, right? Are you doing more? Was the rush just as strong this time? You can post a link here to the band's site if you want.
Hey Fernanda! Thanks for posting. Congratulations again for the photo contest!
Michael. I've told you a thousand times, you'll never get anywhere in life if you don't overcome this crippling shyness. When do you play NYC again?
Posted by: Alchemy November 12, 2004 at 02:40 PM
wooh!I like this party!!!what great company.....Michael,Fernanda and ALchemy,maybe I should come here instead of that tired ass ,drama filled LJ???Hmmmm........I put the site that SUCKS above!!!Honestly,between ATEMPTED website building and wanna be computer repair you think Id be a genius by now,Im not.im more sad and confused than ever ,i get overwhelmed and honestly,FORGETFULL,GRRRNo it wasnt a rish again,for the election day I crumbled after words and could barely contain the disapointemnt in my face as I got offstage because the microphone I was singing into starts screeching feedback and I thought everyopne else wanted to stick their fingers in their ears but alas!noone could hear and actually noone could hear ME even!!!I heard I had presence though and played it off well,funny no compliments seemed to change my made up my mind of the sucky gig but I notice the Sf gig I got bored.....and thought I was mediocre,wasnt much of a turn out and when I saw the bored looking faces it kinda ruined it.....felt mediocre.On monday were gonan be at the viper room for some indy103 showcase type thing and I wish wish wsih i rock the house again like the first time....working ion a second song tonite too.........thanks for asking ,Im more than happy to share my feelings regarding all this,lol!!Michael is nothing less than and Fernanda is the queene supreme/holder of the light!!love,Esther Bunny
Posted by: Astar AGAIN!!!!DAMN HER! November 12, 2004 at 07:50 PM
That's got to be hard when the crowd is really small or disinterested & you have tech problems & all. I think I would want to disappear at that point, but if you were able to play it off that's probably half the battle right there. Now you'll take that confidence of knowing you won't fall apart under adverse conditions & work with it to be able to win the crowd over, right? It takes time I would imagine.
So you're singing at the Viper Room Monday night?! That's AWESOME! You know I would go if I wasn't on the wrong coast. I listen to Indie 103.1 all the time. I hope you get your rush again!
Posted by: Alchemy November 12, 2004 at 08:20 PM