One of my favorite shots from last month. Playing with the camera while waiting for Penny to arrive for a shoot...
Website is back up, yay! www.ladyalchemy.com My FrontPage software is very buggy for some reason though & won't let me navigate in preview mode. Strange. Works fine in the browser though. I know I should be using Dreamweaver anyhow, but haven't had time to learn it yet.
I've got some prints up for sale at the site. They're not archival quality & are only 8" x 10"s, but they're the best I can do for now. Will continue to work on the site & make improvements & hopefully offer some archival stuff soon.
Aside from the creative stuff, I've got a gaping hole in my garage wall that is causing me massive amounts of stress. Anyone know a contractor who will do something other than poke at the water-damaged wood (thus making the hole bigger) and then tell me he's booked until March? WTF?! I need a new fucking wall!!! And a vacation. And a massage.