Photo shoot with Penny fell through today. Spoke this morning and we both had other things we needed to take care of early in the day. When it got dark outside & neither one of us had called the other back, it was obvious it wasn't happening today. That's ok. We can reschedule and in the meantime there are plenty of other things to do.
Seems I'm getting a lot of hits here, which is really cool. No one is really commenting much, though, which is ok because I'm not approaching this as a popularity contest. On the other hand, I do love to hear from creative people & I'm in the mood to collaborate, so if you're out there with something to say & you're just being shy, then please speak up! I won't bite, I promise. :)
The painting above is one I'm working on as a gift for my dear cousin Karen. She has already seen it - I mistakenly left it sitting out one day when she was coming over & didn't realize until she started saying how beautiful it was - OH SHIT! I meant to put that away! LOL. She wanted to take it home right then, but it's absolutely nowhere near to being finished. Will give it some attention tonight.
Alright! Tech support came through & now I've got the blog linked to my website. URL is http://www.ladyalchemy.com/ if you want to bookmark. Site is just a homepage for now as I've been spending my time sorting through & scanning literally THOUSANDS of photos. Will get some of those up ASAP.
NOOOOOO!!! Error 403. No website to bookmark at the moment. I'm off to bed. I've done enough damage for one night. :(
Posted by: Alchemy November 14, 2004 at 10:24 PM