Calcination is the first of seven major operations in the alchemy of transformation. Chemically, the calcination process involves heating a substance in a crucible or over an open flame until it is reduced to ashes. Psychologically, this is the destruction of ego & our attachments to material possessions. Calcination is usually a natural humbling process as we are gradually assaulted and overcome by the trials and tribulations of life.
Physiologically, the Fire of Calcination can be experienced as the metabolic discipline or aerobic activity that tunes the body, burning off excesses from overindulgence and producing a lean, mean, fighting machine. In society, the Calcination is expressed in the lives of revolutionaries, conquerers, and other warriors who try to overthrow the status quo. Color is magenta, element is fire, planet is Saturn & metal is lead.
Did a search on "alchemy" and found that info on a website called deep trance now. Overcome by trials & tribulations? Yep, that's me. Three years ago when I was thinking of having a website & wondering what to call it, "Alchemy", followed by "Lady Alchemy" popped into my head, and I kind of said "huh"? It's beginning to make a lot of sense now. How humbling is it to slowly remove every trace of yourself from the house you grew up in (and thought you would raise your children in), in order to sell it - because you're still single & it's too much house, too much property for one person to take care of, and you don't have the money to stay? Very. Burning off the excess... 13 lbs. down, 8 to go - lean & mean. lol. I'm drawing on some kind of warrior spirit. This is a big deal & it's hard. It's a tiny revolution that may not matter to anyone else - or very few people anyway, but I'm fighting, even if it's only my own fear I'm conquering.
John Paras offered me a tattoo as a going away present. I haven't gotten any new ink in years, because my existing tats have blurred & I'm not happy with how they look anymore. I also haven't really had any major life-altering events happen that have made me want to modify my body in quite some time. This is it. Right now. This is life-altering. For a while I have been thinking, if I did get a new tat, it would be a symbol for silver (Cancer Moon Child thing), but I may have to start with the above symbol for lead.
Yay, a new tattoo! I'm excited. Hair's going to change soon, too. I can see it coming. Hey, if I have to remove the personality from the house, it's got to escape somewhere, right? ;)