This is my cousin's cat, Rocky. He's too cute. I want to squish him. Thinking of cats today because I got a call from a friend in Queens who rescues them. She was calling to let me know she received the box of towels I sent for the kitties. Don't ever throw old towels, washcloths, or blankets away. If you're not going to keep them to use as rags, contact your local animal shelter or rescue group & see if they want them. They can give a bit of comfort, softness, and warmth to a sick dog or cat in a cage, or a feral cat colony surviving the winter's cold outdoors. I was told some of the washcloths I sent are being used by 3 week old blind kitten who is afraid to use a litter box. I kid you not. I want to squish him too, when I'm done wiping the tear from my eye.
I love horoscopes. Now get the news van off my lawn. December 5, 2004. Cancer - Daily Overview - Each and every word that exits your lips will be charming, eloquently put and timed perfectly to achieve nothing but smiles from your audience -- i.e., everyone who's lucky enough to be around you. Alert the media.
Must send my eternal gratitude to Kenny for fixing my computer last night & Daryle for helping me with the house painting today. Little by little, things are getting accomplished. It's been a great weekend. Off to write holiday cards...
Posted by: Alchemy December 06, 2004 at 08:37 PM