Will the wonders of the internet never cease? TJ, girl, I saw ya coming! I had this photo in my hand 2 nights ago & almost scanned it, but I didn't. Now here you are in my inbox & true to form, your incoming mail coincided with AOL booting me offline & then my entire computer freezing up for no apparent reason. What's that clattering sound I hear, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Could be, my friend, could be. How long has it been since we've crossed paths - 10 years, at least? I will send you a proper email tomorrow but for now I'll leave you with this: "TJ, HE'S NOT READING THE BOOK ANYMORE!!!!" And this: I saw Bowie this past spring - front row - and I still wouldn't have been able to say a coherent word to him! OMG, do you have pictures of things I don't remember doing?!?! Send them to me!!! LOL!
You left my Sprouse shirt in the garbage bag on the sidewalk? :( Remember Chris, the girl who went looking for the bag for me? Well, she found me online, too. In fact, I owe her a phone call. I probably shouldn't be rambling like this on my blog, but hey, it's my blog, right?! BTW, your photos of mommies & babies are GORGEOUS! I'm going now & will email you tomorrow.
In a daze over the events that unfolded in Columbus tonight. Deranged fans shooting musicians dead onstage? What the FUCK is this world coming to?! This is so fucking awful. It hits way too close to home. I know so many people who are regularly found on both sides of that barricade at shows. It's just tragic. Holy crap. My condolences to anyone who knew Dimebag Darrel or any of the others killed or injured tonight. Unbelievably sad.