A friend was asking me recently how I choose colors to bring out the light in my paintings. This painting came to mind but at the time I wasn't sure where it was. Amazing what you find when packing for a move! Anyhow, this was done for school & the assignment was to paint something that appears luminous. I thought of a butterfly's wings with their bright, metallic sheen. This was as close as I could come at the time & I think I did pretty well. Two factors were at work here: placing tiny dots of similar hues directly next to each other so the eye is fooled into alternately blending & separating them (or maybe my eyes are just screwed up - lol), and using an overall complimentary color scheme (purple & blue & black vs. yellow & orange & white) to make it all pop. Now back to packing...
The realtor was here. Nice guy. Big Judas Priest, Metallica, and Aerosmith fan. I've given him my email address, so he may be here as well - hi Mike! Well, we've decided to list the house in January. In the meantime, I need to put in a lot more effort to make it look presentable. 50 years of accumulated family clutter takes a long time to clear out. Add in my own personal clutter - oh yes, I've inherited the pack rat gene - and the neglect that happens to a house on a tight budget with an Alzheimer's patient & her caretaker daughter in residence, and you've got a bit of tidying up to do. Mike should have seen the house before! lol.
Holy crap, it's December 1st already. I've got 22 days to get this place in order before flying out to CA for the holidays. Painting party, anyone?