Saturday, April 30, 2005

Who's Your Daddy?

Went to the Meet & Greet tonight for DomConLA. It was a lot of fun & I met several really nice people, including a sweet & intelligent lady who I later found out is a bondage porn star. She's also going for her Master's Degree in social work and has 5 years in recovery.

I kept my eyes from popping out of my head when one guy asked me - seriously - "so who's your daddy?" He was very surprised when I told him I didn't have one. His girlfriend promptly returned from the bar with their drinks calling out "daddy!" to get his attention. These people are hard core, lifestyle BDSM enthusiasts. They live by a different set of rules than the average person. Speaking with them is forcing me to question myself & my prejudices. Fascinating, really. Another full day of DomCon tomorrow.


Coming soon...the Alchemy in Leather pics...
Posted by: Daryle April 29, 2005 at 05:00 AM