Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Ouch, My Ego!

Had an interview with the Suicide Girls last Thursday. They had my application & a couple photos before the interview, so up until that point they liked what they saw. Got a rejection email today. "We think that you are a lovely girl, just not quite right for our purposes at this time." Ouch. I'm really disappointed. In tears, actually. I really wanted to do the site. Can't help but wonder "why". I've seen women younger than me, older than me, thinner, heavier, more tattooed, without tattoos, with rainbow colored hair, or just plain natural. I asked a lot of questions, because I like to be well informed before making decisions, especially when I'm considering modeling nude on a website. Maybe they didn't like all the questions. Maybe they thought I was plotting to create a site competing with theirs (which I'm not). Maybe they thought I was too old for their site, but they already knew my age from my application. Beats me. I'm going to try to stop myself now, because I can make myself nuts trying to analyze the situation. I'm really sad about it though. Being told "no" is one of my least favorite things. Eeww. :(


Ok, on a less whiny note, I did respond to the SG email by saying the following:

Hi Elisabeth,

Thanks for the response. I was about to write today to thank you for your efforts in setting up the meeting, etc. Wow, I'm really disappointed that I'm not right for the site. Going over things in my head & wondering what - if anything - I could have done or said differently. I've been planning to make some changes to my hair & will probably get more ink in the future. I'm going through an evolution of sorts appearance-wise. Would reapplying at a later date & with a different look be frowned upon?

Thanks again,


I've just taken a look around their message boards & it turns out that reapplying after 6 months is exactly the route a lot of rejected girls take. So that's what I'll do. I'm not angry. I don't think they suck. My feelings are just hurt. No one likes rejection. I don't feel that I need their site to validate me and I'm certainly not planning to change my appearance just to please them either. It's just that I get ideas in my head & once I decide to do them, I tend to be tenacious about it until I see results. I might change my mind at some point, but right now I want to be a Suicide Girl, dammit!