Friday, March 4, 2005


The real estate attorney called me this morning to tell me my brother has successfully revoked my Power of Attorney. He (the attorney) feels awful about this and has been kind enough to offer to try & recoup my expenses for me right off the top of the proceeds of the sale. I'm off to Kinko's to copy the receipts & invoices I've been carrying around in my car. I'll present them to the lawyer, pick up my copy of the new Power of Attorney, and be on my way. There's a new life waiting for me in L.A. I'm sure, I just have to go there & get it. Shame I no longer have an immediate family to share it with.

Somehow, I am still sane and still clean & sober. I don't know how or why.


This shite pisses me off. Call me when you get there.
Posted by: Daryle March 06, 2005 at 04:38 PM

(((huggs,really big ones))))Ill be checking in on you til lu get here..anything i can do?
Posted by: Astar March 06, 2005 at 06:26 PM

You are what you are because you believe in yourself and what you do. The alternatives are ugly and devestating. We love you. Keep us posted. Hug a kitty and a monkey.
Posted by: King Cack March 07, 2005 at 09:14 AM